
Average score 46 Reviews
Léa Barrau noted on Google

(Translated by Google) This restaurant is a great discovery. The food was delicious! Everything we had was excellent! The service was perfect. We were served quickly and the server was very nice. We will come back, for sure! (Original) Ce restaurant est une très belle découverte. La cuisine était délicieuse ! Tout ce que nous avons pris était excellent ! Le service était parfait. Nous avons été servis rapidement et le serveur était très gentil. Nous reviendrons, c'est sûr !

1 day ago
Marile LIN noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Arriving late on a Friday evening around 9:30 p.m., the kitchen was still open and the waitress kindly welcomed us. ✅ Vegetarian options 🌿 ✅ Spicy options 🌶️🌶️ ✅ Hearty starters and main courses 🍽️ ✅ Fast service ✨ ✅ Authentic and unlimited Kimchi 😍 ✅ Well-equipped Korean BBQ ⚠️ Much better value for money at lunchtime (special menu) 💸 I personally wanted spicy dishes and seafood pancakes which this restaurant offers and prepares wonderfully. Rather "spicy" and perfectly authentic in taste, I recommend this place where the setting does not sufficiently reflect Korean family cuisine. (Original) Arrivés tardives un vendredi soir vers 21h30, la cuisine était encore ouverte et la serveuse nous a gentiment accueilli. ✅ Options végétariennes 🌿 ✅ Options spicy 🌶️🌶️ ✅ Entrées et plats copieux 🍽️ ✅ Service rapide ✨ ✅ Kimchi authentique et à volonté 😍 ✅ BBQ coréen bien équipé ⚠️ Rapport qualité prix bien plus avantageux à midi (menu spécial) 💸 J'ai personnellement eu envie de plats pimentés et de galettes aux fruits de mer dont ce restaurant propose et prépare à merveilles. Plutôt "relevé" et parfaitement authentique au goût, je recommande ce lieu où le cadre ne reflète pas assez la cuisine familiale coréenne.

8 days ago
owo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It's delicious. It tastes almost the same as eating it in Korea. Perhaps because we looked very old and tired, they also gave us kimbap as a service..! Thank you Kimchi was also served as a main side dish, and I was happy because it was real kimchi and not imitation kimchi. As someone who knows how difficult it is to eat authentic Korean food abroad... the accumulated cheese went down 🥸👍 (Original) 맛있어용 한국에서먹는것과 거의 똑같은맛 저희가 많이 낡고 지쳐보였는지 김밥도 서비스로쥬심.. ! 감사했습니다 김치도 기본찬으로 나오는데 유사김치가 아니고 진짜김치라 행복했어요 해외에서 한식다운 한식 먹기 얼마나힘든지 아는 사람으로써.. 쌓인 치즈가 쑤욱내려갑니다 🥸👍

14 days ago
Maxence VANSEVEREN-LEROY noted on Google

Cela doit bien faire 2 ans que j'y vais quasiment tout les mois. Le service est toujours impeccable. Les accompagnement du bibimbap change à chaque fois, ce qui démontre un renouvellement du plat et des achats de saisons. Je n'ai jamais eu à me plaindre. Cuisine très bonne, service parfait. Je ne peux que recommander. (Translated by Google) It must have been 2 years since I went there almost every month. The service is always impeccable. The accompaniments for bibimbap change each time, which demonstrates a renewal of the dish and seasonal purchases. I never had to complain. Very good food, perfect service. I can only recommend.

1 month ago
Jérôme aka T-Boy noted on Google

Rendez vous pour un dîner en famille à 6. Nous nous sommes régalés avec en entrée de Gunmandu et des tempura de crevettte. Et en plat 2 barbecues poulet, 2 barbecues bœuf, 1 entrecôte et 1 poitrine de porc. C'était très bon. En revanche, j'étais déçu par les 3 petits accompagnement avec le barbecue. Il y en a un peu plus dans d'autres restaurants coréens. En dessert, on a pris un tiramisu au Yuzu....EXCELLENT. Une autre personne a pris un croissant gaufre...TROP BON. Je mettrai 2 bémols. Le premier est que c'est un restaurant annoncé sans gluten et il n'y a pas d'indication sur la carte. Du coup, il faut systématiquement demandé. Le second bémol est que le serveur ne comprend pas bien les questions car il ne comprend pas bien le français...dommage. Sinon, très bon et restaurant très calme. (Translated by Google) Meet for a family dinner for 6. We enjoyed the starter of Gunmandu and shrimp tempura. And as a main course: 2 chicken barbecues, 2 beef barbecues, 1 entrecôte and 1 pork belly. It was really good. On the other hand, I was disappointed by the 3 small accompaniments with the barbecue. There are a few more in other Korean restaurants. For dessert, we had a Yuzu tiramisu....EXCELLENT. Another person had a waffle croissant...SO GOOD. I will put 2 downsides. The first is that it is an advertised gluten-free restaurant and there is no indication on the menu. So, you have to systematically ask. The second downside is that the waiter doesn't understand the questions well because he doesn't understand French well... too bad. Otherwise, very good and very quiet restaurant.

1 month ago
Elvire Bochaton noted on Google

2 months ago
Inès Timotéo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious meal at a fair price 🤩 (Original) Délicieux repas avec prix correct 🤩

2 months ago
Mi K noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant that would benefit from being known, don't trust the slightly too discreet storefront.. Impeccable service by a kind and friendly gentleman, generous and tasty portions! Highly recommended address!!! (Original) Restaurant qui gagnerait à être connu, ne pas se fier à la devanture un peu trop discrète.. Service impeccable par un monsieur aimable et sympathique, portions généreuses et goutues ! Adresse fortement recommandée !!!

3 months ago
Laure VIDAL noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good traditional cuisine. Delicious Korean barbecue! Helpful and discreet staff. Quiet place. Recently renovated with a beautiful, sober and refined decoration. (Original) Très bonne cuisine traditionnelle. Barbecue coréen délicieux ! Personnel serviable et discret. Lieu calme. Récemment rénové avec une belle décoration sobre et raffinée.

3 months ago
Marc Hasson noted on Google

(Translated by Google) My favorite Korean restaurant in Paris. The dishes are delicious and the service very attentive! Take advantage of it before it becomes too well known and above all save room for desserts (you absolutely must try the green tea tiramisu and the small Korean pancakes with a scoop of sesame ice cream). (Original) Mon restaurant coréen préféré à Paris. Les plats sont succulents et le service très attentionné ! Profitez en avant qu’il ne devienne trop connu et surtout gardez de la place pour les desserts (il faut absolument goûter le tiramisu au thé vert et les petites crêpes coréennes avec une boule de glace au sesame).

3 months ago

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